Dr. Marco Pinto

Dr. Dr. Marco Pinto



United States


Phone: 4077686805

About Dr. Dr. Marco Pinto

Dr. Marco Pinto received his dental degree from the University of Kentucky in 2003 and then went on to pursue his orthodontic training at Jacksonville University. He is fluent in English, Spanish and French.

Dr. Pinto specializes in orthopedic treatment for children to improve occlusion and has served as vice president of the American Lingual Orthodontic Association for the past five years.

He brings extensive experience in lingual orthodontics and airway-related sleep apnea. He has shared this expertise as a former clinical professor at the orthodontic postgraduate program at the dental school in Phoenix, Arizona and as a visiting professor for the lingual orthodontic program at the University of Texas at San Antonio.

Giving back to his community is incredibly important to Dr. Pinto. He is the founder of a nonprofit organization in Colombia that teaches English to kids from small disadvantaged communities. In his spare time, he enjoys coaching soccer.